What’s your pattern?

Fine hair with low porosity lacks the innermost layer of the hair cuticle (medulla). The cuticles are closed making it hard for moisture to penetrate the shaft.

• Floats in water (test for 2-4 mins)
• Too much protein may break it
• Needs a balance of light protein and moisture
• Benefits from light product application from ends up
• Loves to air dry
• Diaphanous, demure, incandescent, enchanting.

Fine hair with high porosity lacks the innermost layer of the hair cuticle (the medulla) and needs to have moisture and protein sealed in.

• The hair sinks in water (take 2-4 mins to test)
• Loses moisture easily
• Prefers to be shampoo'd and conditioned in lukewarm and cool water.
• Isn't as strong as coarser hair - use heat protection
• Ethereal, romantic, mythical, graceful.

Thick hair with low porosity should use protein treatments a maximum of 1-2 times a month. This hair type needs moisture.

• The hair floats in water (take 2-4 mins to test)
• Breaks with too much protein
• Only absorbs as much water as it needs
• Regal, baroque, striking, commanding.

Thick hair with high porosity benefits from protein treatments. This hair type needs moisture with a sealant when styling.

• The hair sinks in water (take 2-4 mins to test)
• Protein treatments strengthen it
• Prefers to be washed and conditioned in lukewarm and cool water
• Needs heat protection
• Abundant, fluffy, dreamy, dramatic.